Friday, December 12th 2008 will go down in history as the day that I finally got my driving license! Can I get a woop-wooop? :D :D
I'm still totally flabbergasted. When the exam ended, the examination-person started listing all the stuff I'd done wrong and boy, there were quite a few of those. I was pretty much certain that she was gonna fail me. Again.
She told me that in school I would get a 3- for my driving skills but that she would still let me pass! OMFG.
And next week I'll get my license and I can start driving around all by myself :D :D It's a good thing I already bought a car like a year in advance lolz. I was hoping that I could drive it like in June already :P Too bad school is almost over so I have to wait like 2 months before I can start driving to school every day.
Lunchtime is definitely going to be more enjoyable now. It won't be "so let's go to the supermarket across the street again" but "hey, there's this great new cafe downtown, let's check it out". lawl I still can't believe it. I've failed the test so many times that it feels funny to finally have the frickin license.
I've been racking my brain trying to come up with interesting Christmas wishes. Everyone keeps asking me about it but I really didn't know what to ask for. But today I was sitting in my car (that I can finally drive legally :D) and got the perfect idea.
So my Christmas list look like this:
Dear Santa,
Here's what I want for Christmas:
- Sims K&B Stuff
- Dark Knight DVD
- That thingie that you connect to your car radio so that you can play music from your iPod in the car (except that when I say "your car radio" and "your iPod" I actually mean my car radio and iPod)
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ja see my car and my radio oli freakin hilarious XD
cant wait to get into the first car accident with ya :D !!!!
noh mu karjed telefonis andsid umbes 50% edasi mida ma tundsin kui ma su smsi sain. Gad damn motherfucking P AI EM P
let the fun begin
:D Vau, palju õnne! Ja jõulukingiks küsi benssu, dämmit. :D Hakka suveks varuma. Aga hoia majast eemal.. juhuks, kui põlema peaks minema midagi. :D
Ma olen nii krdi praktiline.
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