Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Benvenuto a Palermo

So, it’s January 2010. What have I been doing for the past however many months? Well, after the trip to Portugal, S and I got really obsessed with the idea of going to study abroad with Erasmus. When we saw the list of universities that we could choose from, I was a bit disappointed, to say the least (University of Sussex? Oh, come on!). I knew it had to be a country with a good climate but I didn’t want to go to Cyprus or Turkey (those two don’t exactly spell out “higher education” to me) so we were left with Italy, Spain and Portugal.

When most countries have courses in English for foreign students, these three don’t. That meant whichever country we chose, we would have to study in the local language. I immediately excluded Portugal. I loved it there but the language is just too insane… And between Spain and ItalyItaly won, ‘cause it just seemed so much cooler.

After half a year of filling out all kinds of applications and forms, faxing them back and forth between universities, we somehow miraculously managed to get everything done on time and well, we are sitting happily in our apartment in Palermo right this very moment.

To reach Palermo, we had to take three planes. Tallinn-Riga-Milan-Palermo. The first plane left at 8. All my family was up at 6 o’clock to send me to the airport. My dear brother, as a farewell gift, gave me a pack of chewing gum. Yup, I sure will miss him, I thought.

So blah blah many flights blah blah Benvenuto a Palermo!

So, first impressions of Palermo

Warm. I like.

There’s so much garbage everywhere! There are huge garbage cans all over the city and they are wildly overflowing. And the streets are covered in shit… literally. It’s like Palermo has hired professional shit-spreaders who just spend all night and day buttering the streets with shit. “Oh snappp, tha streetz are wayyy to clean, we gotta spread some more shit everywhere!” And there’s just so much other random crap lying around… empty bottles, umbrellas, gloves and jackets, coathangers on trees… Or you might prefer to look at it as free stuff!! :D For example, today I saw a perfectly good pair of boots just lying next to a garbage bin. I can't imagine why someone would remove their shoes in the middle of the street and leave them lying around like that. "La la la, OMG I HATE MY SHOES IMMA LEAVE EM RIGHT HERE"

Keepin' the streets clean...

There are dogs everywhere. They’re friendly, but covered with every possible disease on this planet (except Lupus. It's never Lupus! O_O). Me and S started giving them all names. It all started with this dog we called Ottoman or Otto for short. He was fat and yellow. But very cute. :3 And now whenever we see a stray dog somewhere, we have to give it a name. I'm sure there are thousands of cats in the city too, but they don't come out much. But if you suddenly peeked under a car, you'd probably find five cats there. They are sneaky like that.

This is a lovely kitty we met in a restaurant. Can't recall her name unfortunately. Anyway, while we ate some pork and potatoes, she just rolled around on the floor... for like 30 minutes straight. I don't want to know what strange leftovers they feed her there. Oh, I remember. When the waiter cleaned up our plates, he offered them to the cat. ... O.O dayum.

What else? There are very few plants and trees in the city. I would say about 15 trees and 3 bushes (haha, just kidding… There’s probably 2-3 more, I haven’t been to the farther parts of the city yet :D). It kinda sucks. Not good feng shui I tell ya!

The traffic is as horrible as you might expect from an Italian city. All the traffic signs and lights seem to be simply recommendations. When crossing the street, there’s really only one rule: just do it! Never mind if the light is green or red, the traffic doesn’t seem to stop no matter which color the light. Most of the time the cars will slow down to let you cross… although some idiots will drive by you at 60 km/h, windows rolled down and blasting “When Love Takes Over”.

Another lmao thing is how horribly destroyed-looking some of the cars and scooters are. Almost every car has scratches and bumps. About every fourth car is missing a side mirror. A few lucky ones are missing whole parts of the car body and have wires showing and everything. But why buy a new car? Duct tape is much cheaper!

Btw, this is not a rare sight... You'll find masterpieces like this all over town

There’s constantly some kind of road work going on. One of the main streets, via Maqueda, was half-closed for a week and as a result the street looked worse than before.

Roadwork FAIL.

And on that cheerful note, we end today's lecture.

To be continued.... DUN DUN DUN


wonderwoman said...

YAY! A post!!!! :D

Hahaa. :D So much more useful information about Italy than I get from Blong's blog. :D
And how much would a shitspreader make, I wonder. Or do they just get paid in good lung health? :D

That's why I like cats, although I'm more of a dog person, they are so damn comfortable everywhere, even in the weirdest positions and places. :D

Word verification is "polatoy."
Almost right. :D

Paula said...

Yeah, I'm a very productive blogger, one blog per year xD
I think shitspreaders get paid in whatever they find on the streets. They can sell all that stuff later at the hindi market. :D
The dogs here are quite comfortable everywhere too, they just sleep in the middle of the street sometimes. No problemo. :D