Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh hai

Ehehehee... let's pretend I haven't been ignoring this blog for like a month, kay? :D

It's a horrible time of the year because of the exams. They suck! Thank god I only have one more to do - history.
Yesterday I had the mock exam... today I went to class and the teacher said that she hadn't checked it yet so we could check it together. Bleh D:
So I had to watch her draw all these red lines over the paper because most of the stuff I'd written was kinda stupid. The worst was an exercise where I had to connect American presidents with certain events. There were six presidents and 8 events. Guess how many I got right? One.
It was like choosing lottery numbers. I got 0 points for that exercise. D:
The only good thing she said was how I analyzed a caricature, she said it was perfect. :D Go me!
In the end I got 60/100 points so I'm quite alright with it. I didn't really study for it and hopefully I can get at least as many points at the real exam.

Wow I have so many interesting things to write here.

NOT! Mwahaha.

1 comment:

BM said...

Mine pekki. Ma saan 12 punkti sealt. Ma viimaseid kaardiylesandeid ei teinud, mul oli niiii rõve olla. Ma mingi tegin 1,5h tundi seda ju. Ja siis ta ka umbes käis kysimas et kas ma valmis ei saa. Hallo, mis sai neljast tunnist?
Ma tahtsin puhtandi arutlusest kirjutada ja siis ta rebis selle mult käest: AGA SEE ON JU VÄGA KORRALIK!
Mina: *vaatab mahatõmmatud lõigulahmakaid ja nime alla joonistatud lumememme* kirjutan ikka ümber.

No ja siis ronis mingi spordiklass sinna. Võimatu oli konsentreeruda. Tõmbasin nahhui. Enivei saan mingi 10 punkti, sest ta ei ole kunagi rahul mu olematute teadmistega.

Aga! Nyyd ma hakkan kookosejäätist sööma. Sa blogi veel. See pold mingi blogi, see oli KATSETUS.