Sunday, May 25, 2008

Go home Dima! D: (Thoughts on ESC '08)

Ahh... Eurovision - the yearly karaoke festival for Europe and some random countries. Often I wonder why, but it has become kind of addicting. I've been watching it since I was like 7-8 years old. Wow, it's like a tradition. Before I just liked listening to the songs, now I mostly watch it to have a good laugh. But I usually find at least a few songs I like and can add to my music library.
I have to admit, it would be a lot more interesting if Estonia made it to the final. Sadly, we haven't qualified since like 2003 or so. Major fail.
This year the whole country seemed to think that three middle aged men who can't sing could bring us the victory. Stupid, stupid, stupid... But they did have blond chicks and flags on stage. Now that's unique. I can see why everyone though Kreisiraadio had a chance. NOT.
I mean, if you're going for the "funny" theme, it better be damn crazy! Otherwise it'll just look half-hearted and stupid. I like Kreisiraadio in the old days, when they had their own TV show, kinda like an Estonian Monty Python. That was funny. Leto Svet... not so much. D:
The song was just too boring. And they didn't really shine on stage either. The lyrics were kinda funny (random lines from a tourist dictionary I believe) but no one understood them. It was like an inside joke.
I have usually liked the "funny" songs at Eurovision. Alf Poier form Austria with his cardboard animals... Lithuania with their "We are the winners" chant... Verka Serduchka last year with Lasha Tumbai... Leto Svet - not so much.
'Kay, 'nuff said.

And now for some more complaining.
What was up with the hosts? Rather tasteless clothes, abstruse jokes and pointless dialog. Or perhaps I just don't understand serbians and their humor.

The double half-final thing was also a bit maddening because I only got to vote in one of the finals... two of my faves who were in the other half-final and I couldn't vote for them and they didn't make it to the final. D:
Yet Latvia and some other weirdos got through. Damn.

But the worst thing of all... Russia won. DIMA BILAN won. Viktor Belan for god's sake. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
At first I though Russia was gonna land in the top 10 like it usually does but then suddenly it started getting ridiculous amounts of 10 an 12 points and before I knew it - Dima was back on the stage with that creepy skater dude and screaming like a girl again. I beliieeeeeeeeeeveeeeee. Go to hell Dima. D:
So I guess next ESC will be in Moscow. *sigh*

Greece or Ukraine would have been a good winner. I would have liked to see Turkey or France winning. Or possibly Spain. :D

Baila el Chiki Chiki (versión final) - - Rodolfo Chikilicuatre

Belarus was also one of my faves but didn't even make it to the final. :((( Hasta la Vista Belarus.

*another sigh* I cut my finger with a pack of yogurt. Don't ask how, I just did, and now it's bleeding a little and hurting. D:

Well, off to watch Estonian Idol LAWL.

1 comment:

wonderwoman said...

Söögiained ründavad.
Õde just vigastas end tarretisega.