Friday, October 10, 2008

Pineapple Express

I went to see Pineapple Express today. I thought it would be an average film but it was actually really funny. There haven't been a lot of great films lately but I loved this one.

It started off quite slow but about 30 minutes in, it got hilarious. My favorite part was a car chase where one of the main characters got his foot stuck in the windshield, damn I laughed so hard at that.

I also thought it was really cool how they portrayed the drug-mafia or whatever. There were the Asian mobsters who thought they were ninjas and then the American mobsters who were all either wannabes or inapt idiots :D It was almost like a parody of a cop-movie. Anywayz, it was funny.

And there was a huge battle in the end, AK-47s were involved. I liikee. *thumbs up*

There were some weird quotes that I liked but unfortunately I can't remember any of 'em. Heehee.

And yeah, go see it, if you haven't yet. Pineapple Express has been approved by me. =D

And btw, FIY, I'm now lvl 70 in WoW. :D

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