Sunday, March 2, 2008


Why. Why oh why.
So... I wake up this morning. Ha. Surprising. It's such a wonderful morning... until I look out the window and see this:
What. The. Shit.
A frickin' winter wonderland.
It's March. I thought we were over this "cold winter" thing. And yet somehow I find myself looking at 50 tons of snow right outside my window. This is not good. Not good at all. I'm gonna have to walk to school through that crap tomorrow morning. And it's probably gonna snow some more... right in my face. Ew. I am not an arctic fox. I like sunshine and a tropical climate. And ice cream.


... Moving on. I emptied my camera today so I gots lots o' pics in mah comp (including several pics of the white horror outside my window)! Can you say yayz?

Here we have a fine example of the art found in the buses of Tallinn. A true masterpiece. Really makes every trip a wonderful experience:
Awwz. My kitty 60 Cent. Who is sleeping in my bed. On my bag.
I don't like you so much anymore 60. D;<

Reminds me of this -

To lighten up this icy post, here's a song, one of my faves from about 2 summers ago. Awesome.
Listen to it right now or Indifferent-Cat will find you and crawl on your back and NOT LEAVE.
Have vry nice day k? =)

The Bravery - Swollen Summer

1 comment:

BM said...

I fucking love this post. Ja saada see hui mulle, mäletad. Mu enda moblaga tuli shit quality.
Frickin' winterwonderland XD
Shitt, ma pean veel koertega väljas ka käima selle fkn valge sita sees.
word verification on dpsax
deeply sucks