Monday, April 21, 2008

Weird dreams and Potter icons o_O

Mah Harry Potter icons. Let me showw u dem.

Got to sleep in this morning. If I don't have to wake up at like 7, but rather like 10 or 12 or 2, I get the weirdest dreams.

This morning I dreamt that I was in a small room that kinda looked like a hotel room. It had a nice big window. Another person was there, I don't know who. Suddenly two cats ran out from under the bed and started fighting. A third cat was watching them. I noticed that two the cats were mine! I hate it when they fight, so I shooed them out of the room to some corridor. But they kept on fighting. So I just closed the door.
Then the person in the room became Ron Weasley.

And there were broomsticks by the window, I noticed. Ron was muttering something about brooms and flying and how he failed at it.

We both grabbed a broom and flew out of the window.
I was trying hard to steer the broom, it wasn't easy. But then I think I became Harry Potter or something because I discovered that flying is super easy and fun.

And I was even wearing Hogwarts robes.
I looked behind me and saw the window to the room. The house itself was like a mini-Hogwarts (not tiny but just missing most parts). I flew closer to the roof and then pushed myself off it and flew realllly high. Man, that was fun!

And that's when I woke up, 'cause blonde mafia sent me an SMS about math. :D


Oh yes. In addition:

I gots myself a njuu car! Ford Cougar. Iz old but nizzzeeeee. ;D
Mebbe somday I add pic or 2.

G2G. History lesson startin soon.


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