Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm alive!

What do you know? It's Sunday again!

It's snowing. >___>
That reminded me I should blog a bit.

I survived my exam! Woohoo! (Listen to the song right now!)

The exam went by so smoothly... It took me ten minutes to pick a topic ("Who is a successful person?") instead of an hour and I finished the whole thing in about 2,5 hours (instead of 6, as I feared :D). I wrote 3,25 pages. =D

I think I did okay. Usually when I think I did well, I get a bad mark. But when I'm sure that I have written up the biggest pile of crap ever, I get a five.

So I have no idea what I'm gonna get. 70 points would be nice.... really nice.

Spring break! Woohoo! (Listen to the song again!)

A week of no school! Yeah baby!

I have managed to spend the first two days of spring break doing nothing. It feels awesome. You should try it. 8)

Okay, I admit it, I did play a little Tony Hawk's Undergroud 2. Nifty game.
And I folded some more paper swans. It's a really relaxing activity.
I just remembered another idiotic thing my English teacher said.
Teacher: Revolting? Don't you know what that means? It means to fold something. Like this- *folds some paper*
The class: o_O Are you sure?
Teacher: What? Of course! Revolting - to fold!

She is a JENIUS.


Metallica is coming to Riga this summer. Woohoo! (Lis- you know what to do! ;D)

Do I want to go? Hell yeah! Riga might suck but Metallica can make any place look cool.

Tickets will be available starting from tomorrow.
I am a user at this fbi thing, that brings these performers here so I can but tickets a few days earlier.
And now the best part - all standing places are sold out.

It's a football stadium. HUGE. I have no idea how all the tickets can be sold out when they're not even officially for sale!
Latvians... can't trust them.

This sucks. I posted 4 ads online to buy 2 tickets, no answer yet.

There's still a slim chance that they might have new tickets for sale on Monday... 'cause it would be unfair to everyone if half the tickets are already sold out when they come for sale.

Blah. The words "ticket" and "sell" are making me sick.

I need some chocolate.

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