Could you imagine that I finished high school? Hallelujah! My exams went rather well, if anyone is interested.
Graduation was... something. I got to listen to two hours of speeches by some bald men. I also got my diploma. My parents also got a diploma - for "raising a good daughter". WTF? Do my parents really need specially honoring because I managed not to have any 3s or 2s on my report card?
God, my school must really be filled with idiots if they give diplomas to the parents...
Yeah... I graduated with a class of mostly idiots. Actually, 4 idiots in my class didn't graduate at all. Well, farewell to them and I hope they enjoy their journey on the failboat.
I've also been checking out colleges. I don't know what I want to study. I've never had some dream career... It would be awesome if I'd known since I was 3 that I wanted to be a fireman or a tractor driver (like my little bro).
The psychologist at our school made us take some career tests and shizz. She said that since I'm "artistic, entrepreneurial (lol, that sounds funny in English), and communicative" the perfect job for me would be... *drumroll* a potter! And I could own my own little pottery so I could be an artistic enteprenuer and also communicate with people. Wow, what an ingenious idea.
Fuck that, I'm not going to be making pots for the rest of my life.
The idea of starting my own company is tempting though. I have many crazy ideas... I have to pick one and perfect it and maybe it would work out well and I could be a billionaire in a few years!
Yeeeaaah. I really keep things realistic, huh?
Anyways, I sent applications to three colleges. I plan on studying business-related stuff.
Um.... that was pretty specific.
gah, i don't know. If college sucks, then I'll just quit after a semester or two and move to Singapore and open a beach bar or something.
Well, education sure is a depressing topic so let's move on.
Musically - this summer's looking to be the best of my whole life. First of all - Franz Ferdinand! They played at Õllesummer, so there were a lot of drunk fat men around but the ticket was super cheap.
Ever since I heard Take Me Out, I've liked FF. I'm still not very familiar with all their songs but I have 8 songs in my music library, which I love!! I hadn't listened to half of them a lot, but the day before the concert I listened to them on repeat for so many hours and I fell soooo in love.... And the show itself was awesome! The guys have so much energy and few times I actually lol-ed because they were so funny and cute jumping around the stage... awww. :D Man, it rawked so hard. I loved it.
But the next day.... wait, there's a longer story to this.
So I was driving to the middle of nowhere with Blonde Mafia and another classmate for our graduation party (which I forgot to write about - it rained a lot, and there was a watermelon involved) and Blonde Mafia saw this advertisement for Knockout Festival in Riga. There were some pretty big names included so we were all interested in going.
But then we kinda forgot about it for a long time. Until a few days before the FF concert that is. So we kinda bought the festival tickets and bus tickets a day before the real thing.
Ears ringing, I woke up after FF and got on the bus to Riga. Dude, that bus was pimpin! It had these huge leather seats like in the business class in airplanes... and there was a stuardess or whatever and she offered us plaids. PLAIDS!!! :D
The trip to Riga went veeery smoothly.
The festival took place on Zakusala island in the middle of Riga. We ran across some highway twice to get to the bridge to the island. We didn't see the tunnel that went under the highway to the bridge. Blonds lol...
The island was like a field filled with hay. And there were three white tents where different DJs played at all times and then there was a pretty big main stage with some shiny lights.
So the place looked crappy but the music was really good. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of house and electro and stuff, I liked listening to it.
The best part of the night was prolly Joey Negro. I only knew one song by him but that didn't matter, because in that small white tent filled with hay and people, everything sounded great. I pretty much danced for 2 hours straight until it was Dennis Ferrer's turn.
Then prolly came the worst part of the night. I started feeling really sick. I think I have a problem with speakers that are too loud, maybe they like make my internal organs fibrillate too much or something XD but I wasn't feeling good at all.
So from about 3AM to 4AM I just sat under some bush, listened to Franz Ferdinand on my iPhone, and tried my hardest not to throw up. It was cold and the music was just too loud... it was depressing, not being able to find some peace and quiet. I couldn't go anywhere without the noise blaring in my ears and people jumping around. I was seriously considering getting the hell out of there and finding a hotel room. But our bus was supposed to leave at 7AM so I decided to hang on.
I'd spent all my latvian lats so I couldn't even buy water and I was dying of thirst. I begged a few people to exchange a few euros for lats but they all refused. But this guy Janis bought me a bonaqua. Awww. I was impressed that he spoke English! All day we'd been asking people for s
directions to Zakusala but not one person understood English. But he did! So he helped me survive the last hour. It was a little after 5AM when the last DJ left so we cleaned up in the little fountain they had at the festival and headed to the bus station.
I drank some weird coffee-like vanilla drink and it burned my tongue. Ow.
We washed ourselves in the bus station's toilet. We were like hobos XD It was then when I really noticed how filthy the festival had been. I was covered in dirt. After I brushed my hair, my comb looked like I had cleaned it with mud. And when I blew my nose, this black stuff came out. Cute. I'm lucky I didn't get asthma. XD
The ride home went by really quickly since I was asleep most of the way.
At home I couldn't sleep because every time I laid down, there was this mad loud ringing in my ears. Much worse than the ringing I've ever had after other concerts. When I concentrated on it, I realized it was as if I was standing next to a foghorn. So I gave up and stayed up and went to sleep when it got dark. I had to listen to my iPod to drown out the ringing but I did manage to fall asleep.
And I still have Metallica and Akon+Snoop Dogg and possibly Sean Kingston, R.E.M. and We Are the Scientists left on the menu. Nice. 8)
And after that I've just chilled. I'm still completely obsessed with Twilight, which I don't think I have mentioned here until now. Well, it's a book series and my new replacement for Harry Potter. They are romantic action horror novels about vampires and werewolves and also some normal people and well, they are very compelling. I read the first three books in less than a week and now I'm waiting for the last book of the series which will be out in August! And while waiting, I have read and re-read the three books about 4 times each.
I've also been listening to book two of the Wheel of Time series. I read the first book a few years ago and started waiting for the sequel to be translated but since it seems like that is not going to happen, I downloaded the audiobook version of book 2 and I'm listening to that...
I'm super tired of typing already but I just have to say this. I have a new laptop! Praise the gods! It has 160GB of free space!!!! My old computer had about 100MB of free space last time I checked. Now I just have the trouble of getting all my music, pictures and files and sims and everything to this laptop... shall be fun.
The only thing that sucks is that Microsoft Word and Excel are in Estonian. o_o I will die a slow death if I ever have to use them for more than 20 minutes.
K, peace, I'm out.
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